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Teesside University professor successfully held lecture in WHPU

作者:时间:2018/06/01 09:25:14点击量:


In order to enable the students from  the food science and Engineering school of sino-UK cooperation program class to fully experience the western style teaching mode , Carry Weeks ,a teacher from Teesside University, visited Wuhan Polytechnic University and offered the  students an opportunity  to learn and communicate from the 27th,Nov to 1st Dec. During this time, Carry explained  the “Food and Health investigation” to them.

During the teaching, Mr.Weeks gave vivid course by detailed explanation, content rich PPT and intelligible body language. He led them to learn some professional knowledge, such as  similarities and difference between domestic and abroad phenomenon of good hygiene survey, Gantt Icon Curve drawing and analysis of food safety at present. Meanwhile, he combined subjective discoursing with group discussion and group show as well as video production .It tells everyone the importance of team work and practicability of speculative knowledge , which not only increased students' enthusiasm for the course, but also improved their English level, enhanced their abilities of practicing, thinking and team cooperation.

The key point for the foreign teacher 's class is  known to  train  students' autonomous learning ability and train their English expression. Students also show that they have already adapted to the teaching mode and this new learning method. This learning experience also plays an important role for the future adaptation and integration of the British environment, and also contributes to their overseas study.