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Strict measures against COVID-19 to protect the health and safety of students at campus

作者:时间:2020/03/04 09:19:38点击量:


Strict measures against COVID-19 to protect the health and safety of students at campus


At present, epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan is in the most vigorous key stage, in order to further protect the health and safety of international students, according to the spirit of the relevant documents of the higher level, under the unified leadership of the school party            committee, the international office with relevant departments take measures of decentralized residence and temporary closed management of     students at campus.


 On the morning of March 2, Tan Xiaoming, Secretary of the party committee of the university, went deep into the front line of  international  student dormitory of The Jinyin Lake Campus, and the heads of the international office and other relevant functional departments turned up on     the scene to arrange the implementation of the work. In face of the limited time, heavy task,shortage of construction personnel, we overcame       difficulties, seized the time to help international students complete the task of moving in the cold rain ,removing fence, timely cleaning vacant      room, building protective fence to avoid unnecessary mobility.

Up to now, epidemic prevention work of our school has guaranteed full coverage of material reserve full coverage, living materials centralized procurement , building disinfection, personnel closed management.