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International teachers and students are with us fighting against COVID-19

作者:时间:2020/02/28 15:55:01点击量:


International teachers and students are with us fighting against COVID-19


In the face of the sudden outbreak of COVI-19 pandemic, under the unified leadership of the School Party Committee, the International Office (School of International Education), the School of Economics and Management, the School Hospital, the Logistics Department and other               departments make concerted efforts to coordinate and work together to do a good job in psychological guidance, effective protection and life     support to international teachers and students


Miles Turner, a foreign minister from The United Kingdom, was informed several times of the embassy's evacuation and he did not leave. He   said: "I want to work with you to fight the epidemic, I believe that the new semester is about to start, I am still waiting to give students lessons!"

International students from various countries, also consciously abide by the provisions of epidemic prevention, stay in the dormitory with         calm. Brenda Rutendo Vambe, from Zimbabwe, was happy to take a photo of her life supplies delivered by the school. She said: "I want to send it to  my mother, rest assured that I am safe here ,our life is guaranteed,and we will soon start school!" "When the students wear protective masks  provided by the School hospital, Taimoshe Muvoti of Zimbabwe said excitedly, "Thanks to the school for everything they have done for us, I think I am a fighter myself, and after all this, I have a lot to tell my friends abroad, in this difficult time, how strong teachers and students of WHPU        are !"

At present, the students have started online classes in their dorms, and are waiting for the arrival of the new semester with full enthusiasm.