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Vice President Xie Songhe leads the delegation to visit Australian and Chilean universities

作者:时间:2018/06/01 11:04:56点击量:


From December 10 to 17th, in order to further implement the Cooperation program between Hubei and Bio-Bio, Chile in 2017, to promote the internationalization of our educational opening-up and broaden the new field of international cooperation and exchanges, a delegation of three people lead by Vice-President Xie Songhe were invited to visit University of Sydney in Australia and Bío-Bío University of Chile.

At University of Sydney , Vice-President Xie Songhe and the delegation, Professor Dagan Feng, an academician of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering and the Professor of University of Sydney, and Professor Fariba Dehghani, director of Advanced food Engineering at University of Sydney, had conducted in-depth academic exchanges, discussing the details of the implementation of the short-term study and learning in University of Sydney for the teachers and students of Wuhan Polytechnic University. Moreover, they had reached a preliminary intention on the relevant fields and ways of scientific research cooperation between the teachers from both sides , which opened up a new channel for our teachers and students to enter the world leading university for further study.

In the Región del Bío-Bío of Chile, Vice-President Xie Songhe and the delegation were warmly welcomed by the local government and Bío-Bío University,and launched a cordial conversation with Mr. Iván Valenzuela, Director of the Regional economic office of Bío-Bío, and were invited to participate in the local economic and social development promotion activities of the Región del Bío-Bío . Mr. Iván Valenzuela introduced the economic development of Región del Bío-Bío, and hoped that Wuhan Polytechnic University can promote the cooperation between Hubei Province and Región del Bío-Bío. Vice-President Xie Songhe said that Wuhan Polytechnic University is very willing to participate in the cooperative construction projects between Hubei and Bío-Bío , and will make efforts and contributions to promote the economic and social development as well as talent cultivation.

At Bío-Bío University, Vice President Xie Songhe and acting principal of Bío-Bío University Gloria Gómez Vera signed the Memorandum of International Cooperation Between Wuhan Polytechnic University and Bío-Bío University respectively.And they reached the agreements on several aspects such as the education and training of undergraduate, master and doctoral students in the joint posture, joint development and application of research projects and research centers, opening research equipment to each other, jointly formulating professional teaching plans and development of cooperative projects, exchanging teachers, visiting scholars and managers to learn, give lectures and work,and students to get training in each other's schools, and sharing research reports and research papers.

Gloria Gómez Vera said that Bío-Bío University attaches great importance to the teaching and research cooperation with Wuhan Polytechnic University , which is the first university in China to sign a detailed cooperation agreement with Bío-Bío University.Vice-President Xie Songhe and the delegation had also conducted in-depth academic exchanges with other department leaders of the International Office, Research Office,college of science, engineering and business in Bío-Bío University.